These trade terms consisted of short abbreviations for lengthy contract provisions. 这些贸易术语由代表冗长合同条款的简短缩写构成。
Further, your contract should expressly refer to the rules of interpretation as defined in the latest revision of Incoterms, for example, Incoterms 2000, and you should ensure the proper application of the terms by additional contract provisions. 而且合同应该明确援引国际贸易术语解释通则的最新修订本,如《国际贸易术语解释通则2000》中确定的解释规则。此外,还应该通过附加的合同条款确保这些术语的正确应用。
Inspectors nominated by the Contractor shall absolutely comply with the Contract provisions. 承包商任命的检测员要完全按照合同规定。
Discharge of contractual rights and obligations does not affect the validity of contract provisions concerning settlement of account and winding-up. 合同的权利义务终止,不影响合同中结算和清理条款的效力。
Does the contract contain suitable termination provisions? 合约是否载有适当的终止服务条文?
The provisions in the Instructions to Bidders and in the General Conditions of Contract are the provisions of the World Bank Standard Bidding Documents: procurement of Goods. 投票人须知和通用合同条款中的条文是世界银行标准货物采购招标文中的条文。
For settlement of disputes concerning to interpretation, violation, invalidity or execution of the contract, provisions of the substantive law of the Republic of Uzbekistan are applied. 有关合同解释、违反、无效或执行的争议解决,采用乌兹别克斯坦共和国实体法规定处理。
Li Bo, deputy head of the social affairs department of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, told the Xinhua News Agency recently that the fee amounts should be set according to the contract provisions agreed to between the buyer of a burial plot and the seller. 民政部社会事务司副司长李波最近告诉新华社,墓地管理费应根据买卖双方签订的合同而定。
Parties to the contract of the relevant provisions of the contract interpretation or performance event of a dispute, through friendly consultation manner. 本合同各方当事人对本合同有关条款的解释或履行发生争议时,应通过友好协商的方式予以解决。
The words land the printed words filling up the blanks in this Lease Contract and the supplementary provisions and appendix shall have equal status in law. 本合同及其补充条款和附件内空格部份填写的文字与打印文字具有同等效力。
Implicit and Expression Regulations of Indemnification in New Edition of FIDIC Construction Contract Provisions 新版fidic施工合同条件中明示和隐含的索赔规定
After termination of the Contract under the provisions of Section 10 合同根据第十条的条款终止后
Entities shall prepare a report in writing on each contract awarded under the provisions of paragraph 1. 各实体应就根据本条第1款规定授予的每份合同准备书面报告。
So, the legal consequence of contract violating the compulsory provisions is not certainly invalid. 因此,违反法律强制性规定的合同,其法律后果并不必然导致合同无效而具有多样性。
Section Four analyzes the content of legal relations of the financing lease contract major provisions of the financing lease contract and the rights and obligations of the parties to the contract. 第四部分对融资租赁合同法律关系的内容进行了详细地论述。主要分析了融资租赁合同的主要条款及当事人各方的权利义务。
As one kind of the contract, the provisions in the new contract law ( 1999) shall apply the contract of carriage of goods by sea and charter parties, when there are no provisions in Maritime Code and other law concerning the transport. 海上货运合同和租船合同作为合同的一类,在《海商法》及其它水运法律规范未有规定的方面,自然适用《合同法》。
Thoughts on the Principle of Freedom of Contract and the Provisions about the Principle in Contract Law 合同自由原则及《合同法》中相关规定的思考
Thus, it could provide explicit normative foundation to diversified effectiveness evaluation system for the contract against mandatory provisions from valid, revocable and uncertain effect to void effect. 由此,便可为违反强制性规定的合同建立从有效、可撤销、效力待定到无效等多元化的效力评价体系提供明确的规范基础。
Along with the development of modern social market economy, legal liquidated damages to the stage of history, gradually exit and liquidated damages increasingly plays an irreplaceable role in the contract law provisions, is that the liquidated damages ( hereinafter referred to as liquidated damages). 随着现代社会市场经济的发展,法定违约金渐渐退出历史的舞台,而约定违约金越来越发挥着不可替代的作用,我国合同法规定的即是约定违约金(简称违约金)。
The real problem with adhesion contracts is that the weaker party does not assent to all of the contract provisions. 附合合同的真正问题是较弱的一方并不同意所有的合同条款。
However, we saw the labor contract law provisions of the system is still limited, simple and crude. 但是,《劳动合同法》规定的竞业限制制度尚有不足,显得简单与粗糙。
In addition, after termination of the contract provisions related to breach of contract terms can be applied should be based on the nature of the terms of the settlement to clear whether the consolidated judgments. 此外,合同解除后相关违约金条款能否适用应当根据该条款的性质是否符合清理结算条款来综合判断。
In sixth chapter, the author has made further instruction to the definite effect of contract violating mandatory provisions on the basis of foregoing research. 第六部分在前文研究的基础上对违反强制性规定的合同的具体效力问题进行了阐释。
If the party breaches the contract, the liability should be applied according to the concrete forms of the breach of the contract under the provisions of the nameless contract, such as the impossibility of performance, delay of performance, blemish implementation or refusal to fulfill. 若当事人违反该协议,须结合违约的形态,如履行不能、迟延履行、瑕疵履行或根本未履行而适用合同法关于无名合同的规定承担相应的责任。
Finally, the author gived legislative advice about the system of the validity of contract of mandatory provisions of laws violated: Violation of law mandatory provisions of contract is invalid, but the judge think it is not invalid by balance case. 最后,笔者提出关于违反强制性规定合同效力的立法建议:违反法律强制性规定的合同无效,但法官在个案权衡中不以之为无效的除外。
Accounts receivable from the uncertainty of "property rights" in the system design contract provisions must pledge to a written contract to do this, this is to reduce legal risk and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties to the mandatory provisions. 从应收账款的不确定性出发,《物权法》在制度设计上规定质押合同必须以书面合同而为之,这是降低法律风险,保护当事人的合法权益的强制性规定。
As far as the function of institutions is concerned, the clause of effectiveness of contract violating the mandatory provisions is the bridge and link to connect the public law and private law. Technically, it should be regarded as the general clause of delegating authority to judges. 从制度功能上说,违反强制性规定的合同效力条款是为连接公法和私法的管道和桥梁;在技术功能上,应当将其视为对法官授权的概括条款。
If the specific mandatory provision makes the effectiveness of contract violating it clear, there is no need to apply the clause of effectiveness of contract violating mandatory provisions. 本文认为若具体强制性规定中已经明确规定了违反该规范的合同效力,则无再适用违反强制性规定的合同效力条款的必要。
And propose appropriate legislative proposals, should be considered first of all medical services contract with the provisions of the famous through the perfection of the applicable laws and regulations, to adjust and standard medical services contract, guarantee and improve the quality and effectiveness. 并提出相应的立法建议,认为首先应该将医疗服务合同进行有名化规定,同时通过完善相关的法律法规,来调整和规范医疗服务合同的履行,保证和提高其履行的质量和效果。
The Uniform Player Contract of National Basketball Association is the important part of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. The contract gives explicit provisions between the management and the labor. NBA标准运动员合同是集体谈判协议的重要组成部分,合同对劳方和资方各自权利的行使及义务的履行都作出了明确规定。